SIES held an Informal Discussion of Young Scholars for Paper Submissions to Foreign Academic Journal

Entry time:2017-05-03visits:0

  On the morning of April 11th, Dr. Pak-nung Wong, professor of international relations of Bath University in UK and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Global South was invited to the SIES and held an informal discussion with XIN Hua, JI Lei, SHEN Yunlu, Song Qin and other young scholars on the topic of how to submit papers to foreign journal. Prof. Wong made a brief introduction on the development of foreign academic journals. He pointed out that open access journal (online journal) has been increasingly integrated into the SSCI review system and regarded as a future trend by foreign academic publishers ever since the late 1990s, and particularly since the beginning of this century. Prof. Wong said that he is willing to strengthen cooperation with the SIES and to increase contacts and exchanges with Shanghai scholars of European studies through the channel of the SIES. He encouraged paper submissions from scholars in Shanghai to the Journal of Global South, and argued that both the Europe and the world will be glad to see the academic achievements of Chinese scholars on important international issues. This discussion was also participated in by Dr. CAO Ziheng, Dr. YANG Haifeng, and Ms. YE Yuming.